IPS is currently not looking for any office or executive staff. However we are actively recruiting political operatives, consultants and campaign managers as contractors. We mostly work with referrals. We are not in the business of hiring and training political advisors that are inexperienced. We tend to stay away from recently college graduates. We need seasoned political advisors that have worked and managed numerous campaigns regardless of wins or losses. We are looking for individuals who are leaders and have managed campaigns and operated budgets. Specialists in crisis management and are seasoned negotiator's. 

If you feel this is you, then contact us. We can find a race throughout the country that will fit you. This will give you a chance to travel and work campaigns that will make a difference. The money is good and the experience is great. Build up your professional resume.with us. If you have a background in law enforcement, we can utilize your background as a political operative. We also utilize active and retired Police for executive protection bodyguard details to protect our clients. If you have an active Police certification or retired active National Police Carry Certification we can utilize you. 

If you are looking to work and travel and build your leadership resume then contact us. We will reach out to you with some questions if you are what we are looking for. We will request a resume then begin our vetting and background process. Most important checking your references and your history of working political campaigns. We look forward to hearing from you!