IPS has instructors on staff that are available to conduct Candidate Training Clinics. These instructors have experience working many state and federal races including presidential campaigns. Upon request and due to availability at no cost, IPS can organize a training seminar for your local GOP township organization to instruct them the basics of candidate training. This includes training manuals. First is to identify Republicans in your area. From Republicans that attend meetings the GOP would recruit them to become Precinct Committeeman. They also are encouraged to recruit Deputy Registars, Election Judges and Poll Watchers. Many GOP officials can recruit from these individuals to run for office or anyone that stands out in the community that is a Republican voter and has conservative principles. 

When they are recruited, these individuals need to be trained on how to start a campaign. The legalities of a campaign to funding. Our team, upon request can create a clinic to show your candidates how to start a solid campaign with limited funding. Showing them how to network and market their campaign. Showing them how to begin a grassroots campaign and canvassing. Social media exposure and ad campaigns. Structuring their policy. Contact us if you feel the need to have a clinic in your state! 

This service is FREE of charge due to availability of an instructor in that specific region. Contact us with time to schedule as we become busy training for other campaigns!